Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Act Three, Scene Four

The fury and rage inside of me is inexplicable. As I was heatedly talking to my mother, I hear a sad, poor Polonius hiding behind the curtain. That sad excuse for a man. He was finished right on the spot, my very own sword committing the act. Back to my conversation with my mother. I called her out on how disgraceful her actions were. Marrying the man who just killed his own brother? Her very own husband? Sick. Absolutely inhumane. How could someone commit such a sin? As I'm thinking about killing her right there, my father's ghost appears, telling me to take it down a notch. As she sees me talking to "nothing," she then describes me as crazy, seeing hallucinations. It was real, I promise. He appeared right there! As I must go on with my life, and go to England, I tell my mother to not give into Claudius' actions. I will not let my loving mother get tied into his sinful actions. He does not deserve her at the very least.
                                *Me, revealing my killing of Polonius from behind the curtain.

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